How do I enable Dark Mode on my board?

You can fully customize your board's design for Dark Mode using Custom CSS.

In your "Project settings" under "Custom CSS" you can add the following piece of code to adjust the color of elements when Dark Mode is enabled on your user's device:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  body, .bg-white {
    background:#000 !important;
  h1, h2, h3, h4, a, svg, div.cursor-pointer, span, .btn-color, label, p, .prism-editor-wrapper {
  color:#999 !important;
  .border-b, .border-t {
    border-color:#444 !important;
  #board-intro, .board-posts, #post-description-container, #comments-container, .bg-neutral-100, .prism-editor-wrapper {
    background:#222 !important;
  .dropdown-wrapper {
    border-color:#444 !important;

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