Setting up a Password for Your FeedBear Account

By default, FeedBear will allow you to log in using just your email and a "magic link" that validates you have access to the email used to set up the account.

Now, say you would like to login into your FeedBear account with a password instead (maybe that's faster or easier for you), instead of using a magic link, but you're having trouble finding where to set up a password.

If that's the case, please follow the steps below:

  • Log Out: Start by logging out of your current session on FeedBear. You can do this by clicking on your profile icon at the top right corner of the page and selecting 'Log Out' from the dropdown menu.
  • Visit Your Roadmap: After logging out, go to your roadmap or idea board. The roadmap is the main page for your project that you have created in FeedBear. It's also the page that your users see when they want to give feedback.
  • Access Login Screen: On your roadmap, click on the 'Log In' button usually found at the top right corner of the page. This will take you to the login screen.
  • Choose Log in with Password: Here, instead of choosing to log in with a magic link, select the option 'Log in with Password.'
  • Click on Set a New Password: Now, you can enter your email to receive a link to reset your password, or in this case, set a new password for your account. Make sure to choose a strong password that includes a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters to ensure your account security.
  • Set new password: After clicking a link a modal will show allowing you to type in your new password, you will be asked to confirm it. Type the password again in the 'New Password' field.
  • Save Changes: Finally, click 'Set Password' to finalize the new password for your account.

Now, you should be able to log into your FeedBear account using your new password instead of using an email link.

Please ensure to remember your password or store it safely using a password management app for future logins.

If you encounter any issues during this process, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!

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